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Life of a Roguess
Friday, 25 March 2011
Emmy @ 22:09 - Link - comments
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=7][COLOR=red]Well, it would seem I am back. I actually spent some time in the inn the other night, tryin to catch up with some friends and now I'm back to trainin. I already got that orb, so now to get to level 62. Seems all I have to do for now is to train, so I might as well until I get things straight in my head. That should come soon, I hope at least.

On a light note, a friend got bonded today, just upset I couldn't make it, but at least he is happy. That is all that matters. And now another is gettin bonded soon. I'll try my best to make it there. Hopefully things work out and they are happy for a very long time. All four of these people deserve it more than anyone else I know.

Well, back to my trainin. Don't have far to go until I hit level 60. I'm actually gonna make it to 62 this time. No turnin back for me. The past is the past where it should stay.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]